Experienced Divorce, Custody, and Child Support Lawyers
When you’re faced with the difficult situation of Divorce, Custody or Child Support problems, an understanding, sympathetic, and aggressive lawyer is important. Oftentimes, our clients have a few basic questions that they need answered to know which direction they need to go. The Lackey Law Firm is here to guide you through this delicate and oftentimes confusing legal process.
Divorce, Custody, and Child Support FAQ’s
We understand that you likely have many questions regarding the course of action that would be most beneficial for you and your children. Our lawyers will take the time to understand the situation in which you find yourself, providing expert advice on the best course of action.
At The Lackey Law Firm, we are committed to providing quality customer care and attention to each of our clients, no matter the situation in which they find themselves. Navigating a divorce or custody case is challenging. Let us support you during this process by representing your case, always with your best interest in mind.
What are the different types of divorce?
There are two types of divorce in Alabama, uncontested and contested.
What is an uncontested divorce?
An uncontested divorce is a divorce wherein the parties have reached an agreement to settle on all issues. When our client and their spouse have reached such an agreement and settled all the issues of the end of their marriage, we can perform an uncontested divorce. This type of divorce is much faster and easier than a contested divorce. We can usually have the paperwork ready to be signed and filed within a few days.
What is a contested divorce?
A contested divorce is a divorce wherein a settlement agreement cannot be reached between the parties. In order to undertake a contested divorce we draft a summons and complaint for our client and file it with the office of the Circuit Clerk. A copy of the complaint will be served upon the spouse and they will have 30 days to file answer. If a contested divorce is not settled a Circuit Judge will eventually hear the case and decide the issues after a trial. Contested divorces may take much longer than uncontested divorces, but do not always result in a trial.
Does “common law marriage” exist?
Yes. Common law marriages still exist in Alabama. There are many myths about what creates a common law marriage and whether or not such a marriage requires a divorce. If you believe you may be in such a marriage and in need of a divorce, please contact us for further evaluation of your individual case. You may have important legal rights which we can protect.
How much child support will I pay/receive?
Child support amounts in Alabama are based upon guidelines. Using a set list of factors including wages of each parent, health insurance cost, and child care costs child support obligations are calculated within the guidelines. If you are involved in a situation in which child support is an issue, let us evaluate your case and provide more information.
Does a father ever have a chance to obtain custody?
The short answer to this question is yes. However, each case is different and many variations can affect your chance at getting custody of your child regardless of your gender. An in-office consultation is the best way for us to evaluate your case.
What if I am a victim of spousal abuse?
If you are a victim of domestic violence in your marriage, we can assist you. There are legal processes which can be undertaken before a divorce to obtain a restraining order known as a Protection Order or PFA. If you are in immediate danger or fear of abuse, you should always contact the police first.
Does joint custody exist?
Yes. Joint custody can mean many different things, so it is important to obtain the advice of a lawyer on this subject. Whether you are considering “joint legal custody” or “joint physical custody”, there are legal rights that may be at stake.
Experience Matters
Unfortunately, divorce and custody cases can quickly become quite complex. It is important to work with a lawyer who can provide aggressive legal representation regarding the difficult issues of custody, child support, and divorce. Our team has the knowledge and expertise necessary to easily navigate these situations with compassion.
The Lackey Law Firm believes that everyone deserves fair legal representation as they approach a divorce or custody case. We offer the representation you deserve at a reasonable rate. As with any type of legal case, the details surrounding your divorce are unique. We offer complimentary legal consultations in which we can provide you with more information regarding your unique set of circumstances.